Wow, from January 2021-December 2021, you guys have stuck around with me. Many new queens joined me on this journey. Most times, to be honest, I question myself if I am doing the right thing. Sometimes engagements are so low I get disappointed. But then I get one nice comment or DM on how inspiring I am, and my fuel gets light up again. 

As I write my last blog post of the year, my heart is full of joy. We started this year with 25 newsletter subscribers, under 1k followers on IG, and less than 10 followers on Pinterest. This year also started with zero brand partnerships, and I had no idea how to execute a paid partnership. 

Today, we’re over 12k queens on IG, the email list has over 100’s of you guys, and Pinterest has hit over 140 followers and 90k monthly impressions. To top it off, I have worked with some amazing brands and taken some coaching classes to help me master my gift/craft.

The truth is, I still get disappointed sometimes, I still lack motivation at times, but if I don’t post on the blog, I get very worried. I beat myself, and I question myself again. As I am typing this post, I am so filled with joy and excitement. I love being a blogger. 

Thank you for a wonderful year, guys, and I look forward to growing and getting dressed up with y’all in 2022. 

Thank you so much. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Xoxo, Mo!