The saying that goes, “with age comes wisdom,” is absolutely right. I remember when I was in my early twenties, and everything and every part of my body was sitting just right; I disliked the idea of wearing shapewear. In fact, I never owned one until I entered my 30s. I was proud of my body and felt my best. Don’t get me wrong; there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wearing shapewear in your twenties; I was just naive and thought my body would stay the same for many ages to come. 

What is the best women’s shapewear?

Fast forward to 30 something; I now need every kind of shapewear to keep my body together. It’s funny how the older we get, the many changes our bodies go through. If you’re a new mom, you know how much your body has changed, or if you age, you also notice the differences in your body. You seek support from anywhere and especially shapewear. 

What shapewear actually works?

Here are some of my favorite shapewear that you can wear under different clothing. From jeans to dresses or skirts, I have found these pieces very helpful. 

That is all for today, queens; see you next time.