Wow, I can’t imagine this is happening. So here we are, five months into blogging, and I am releasing my very first Q&A. It’s both exciting and intimidating at the same time, but again, I believe everything will be just fine.
This month, Q&A was compile of questions you guys asked me via my Instagram story, blog, email, or DM. I am not answering the questions in any particular order; I will go down the list that I have.
Q: What camera do you have?
A: Canon 77D. I am new to DSLR and all things photography. I think this camera is a bit advance for a beginner like myself, but I am learning the tool daily. I will say there are other affordable brands out there that you can buy, and it’s beginner-friendly. You always have to consider the cost of the lens as well when purchasing a camera. Don’t go over your budget if you don’t have to.

Q: How old are you?
A: I am 30 years old. I will be turning 31 this year, God’s willing.
Q: What photo editing tools do you use?
A: I use Adobe Lightroom. Honestly speaking, Lightroom was intimidating initially, but now, I think I am getting the hang of it. I do own the pro version of Lightroom, meaning I pay $9.99 a month to use the application, but again there are other apps out there that are free and do get the job done. I.e., VSCO, Tezza, etc. I chose the pay version of Adobe because I wanted all the functions, and I needed to learn photo editing fast since I do all the editing of my photos myself. Another benefit of Lightroom is that you can create your own presets in there.
Q: How can I start a blog?
A: The short answer is a question, why do you want to start blogging? What do you want to share with the world? If you can answer these questions, then you’re ready to blog. I get this question many times, and to be honest, it has to come from within. You have to have a passion for something that makes you want to share with the world. Sometimes it’s simple as talking about hair, food, or in my case, fashion. Once you know what you want to blog about, you’re ready to start. You can proceed with buying you domain (website), creating your social media accounts, logo etc. Remember, there’s no better time to start than now.
Q: How has blogging been for you so far? By the way, I love your content.
A: First of all, thank you for the continued support. Blogging has been bittersweet moments but mostly sweet. Bitter in the sense that I am still learning, you put in the long hours to create one content, and it does not succeed as you hoped and much more disappointments. Sweet because I have met lots of amazing people, made new friends, and learn a lot in just a few months.
Q: What was your recent purchased?
A: My recent purchase was from Mango, a wool rope coat (which I love, see photo) and a pink suit from H&M, which I planned to style for this Valentine’s Day.
Q: Hey Mo, any skincare tips?
A: As you all know, I am very big on skincare. I have very oily skin (face) and dry skin (body) as well. If you haven’t read my skincare routine blog post, check it out. I have shared some products (insert products photo) and also wash my face twice a day. I wash my makeup brushes at least twice a month (Bi-weekly)
Q: What made you start blogging?
A: I initially wanted to share my journey as a married millennial, but fashion took over, so now I am a Fashion, Beauty, and Lifestyle blogger. Every time I create a blog post or an IG photo and I get positive feedback; those are my reminders as to why I started blogging.
Q: How do you define your style:
A: I will say comfort, chic, classic, and effortless. I want to look and feel comfortable in whatever I’m wearing. If I don’t feel comfortable or effortless, that look is not my style.
That brings us to the end of our first of many Q&A’s. I hope you enjoyed this post. I want to thank everyone who submitted their questions. Subscribe to my newsletter for more monthly Q&A’s.
Xoxo, Mo!
This question & answer post was very informative. I love that you took the time to throughly answer each and every question! Mo, I love your sense of fashion & style! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thanks so much for stopping by and the support.
Blogging has definitely been bittersweet for me as well. You put in all this time and effort and sometimes there will be crickets, but I’m learning to create because I love to create !
I love that, create because I love. Thanks for that message.
I enjoyed reading your January Q&A! I learned so much more about you! I definitely can relate to the bittersweet feeling of blogging. Long hours are put in then sometimes it a hit or miss. Nonetheless, we never know who may find out content one day! For this, I’m encouraged to keep blogging!
Thank you so much Natalie. You are right, you never know who will see it someday.